Looks like I'm going to cry until the end of my days... I wanna dia, Oh God, how much I wanna die... I wanna die in your eyes, 'cause I can't forget them... I can't... You were my best friend, you made me smile so many times, and now there's nothing, nothing... But I don't talk, I get sad without any particular reason, just 'cause you're not by my side anymore... I cry, and my tears seem to burn my skin, the skin you touched at a long time ago... So sad... I want to forget you or to have you, but I can't... Please let me die... Let me talk to you once more and end like the world is mine, like there's nobody has happy has me... My life is a sheat, now there you're gone... Don't leave me alone, like this... I think about you, and all my memories tell me the same: You were the best friend ever! You made me see the world with other eyes, you made me smile, you made me think life is beautiful and you made me forget suicide... but I don't know anymore if I like that, 'cause it all ended, like you said one day: Probably we'll lost contact... I didn't know it was going to appen so soon... and I can't forget all the nights I spent with you, all the things you helped me with... just, I miss you boy... Please come back... I'm sorry...
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